To CocoNet
- Operating
System: Windows 95
What You Need to Get Started:
- A PPP account
with CocoNet
- Your user
- Your password
- CocoNet's
local access telephone number for your area
- Windows
95 CD
Step 1: Verify that Dial-up Networking
is Installed
Press the Start button, select Settings...,
then Control Panel. Double-click the Add/Remove
Programs icon. Select the Windows Setup tab,
then click on the Communications option and press
Details.... Make sure that the Dial-up Networking
option has a checkmark in the box. If it does, go on to
step 2. If it doesn't, select it and click OK. Windows
95 will attempt to install the needed drivers, so make sure
you've got your installation disks or CD handy! Now that
Dial-up Networking is installed, you can proceed
to step 2.
Step 2: Verify that the Client for
Microsoft Networks, Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP
Protocol are all Installed
Press the Start button, select Settings...,
then Control Panel. Double-click the Network
icon. You'll see a dialog box like this.
Make sure the Configuration tab is selected. The
Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up
Adapter and TCP/IP should be present (like in
the picture), then you're ready to proceed to step 3.
To add the
Dial-Up Adapter, hit the Add... button, double-click
Adapter, then scroll down the list until you can
select Microsoft. Choose the Dial-Up Adapter
and hit OK.
If you need
to install TCP/IP, hit the Add... button,
double-click Protocol, then select Microsoft,
then TCP/IP, and hit OK.
- To
add Client for Microsoft Networks, click
Add... button, then double-click Client,
then select Microsoft, then click OK.
- Now
your Network dialog box should contain both Dial-Up
Adapter and TCP/IP. Select the adapter, click
Properties..., Bindings, and make sure the
TCP/IP box is checked. You're now ready to proceed
to step 3.
- Step
3: Configure your TCP/IP Protocol
Go to the Control Panel and double-click the Network
icon. You should get a dialog box like this.
Click on the
TCP/IP protocol (highlighted in the picture) and
press the Properties... button. You should get
the TCP/IP Properties box.
There are six
sections in this dialog box. We'll deal with them in order.
In each case, you can click on the section title to get
a picture of the dialog box with the correct options selected.
Select the Obtain an IP address automatically option.
It should look like this
when you're finished.
There are three radio buttons available on this screen.
You can select only one by placing a solid dot in that
place. Make sure that the dot is filled in on the
selection called Disable WINS Resolution (the top
No changes needed are from the default.
By default, the Client for Microsoft
Networks option is checked. Leave it alone.
No changes needed are from the default.
Select the Disable DNS option.
Network Logon:
the Primary Network Logon box make sure
that Windows Logon is selected, instead
of Client for Microsoft Networks.
you're all done setting these options, press the OK
button. Then press the OK button in the Network
dialog box. This is where you might need to insert
your Windows 95 CD or diskettes. Follow the instructions
provided during this phase of the setup. Windows 95 will
ask you to reboot. Press Yes and wait for Windows
to restart. After Windows restarts, you may get
a Windows Logon prompt. Put in your CocoNet username
in all lowercase letters, then DO NOT put in a password.
Just key in your username for the logon name and press
OK to all password prompts. This will allow you
to have the correct username, save your password to CocoNet
and will not prompt for a password to enter Windows.
- Step
4: Set up a Connection Icon
Open up My Computer from the desktop and double-click
the Dial-Up Networking icon. Double-click the Make
New Connection icon. This will walk you through the
Make New Connection wizard. The first dialog box
looks like this.
Type in CocoNet.
Your modem (which should have been configured when you
installed Windows 95) should be shown in the Select
a modem: area. Press the Configure button and
you'll get a dialog box that looks like this.
On the General
tab, Crank up your modem speed to as fast as you think
it will go. If you have a 14.4K modem, for example, make
the maximum speed 19200. For a 28.8 modem, select
38400 and select 115200 for a 33.6 or 56K modem. DO
NOT, however, select Only connect at this speed.
This will let your modem adjust as the connection needs.
Don't worry
about the Connection tab, the defaults should be
- Next, select
the Options tab. If it is available at the bottom,
check the box that reads "Display modem status."
This will give you a little picture of your modem to let
you know it is sending and receiving data from the Internet.
Now hit the OK button.
Click the Next
> button in the Make New Connection wizard.
Enter in the phone number for CocoNet access in your area.
Call CocoNet for the correct number if you do not know
Press the Finish
button and your icon will be created. Your Dial-Up Networking
folder should now look something like this.
- Step
5: Setting the Dial-Up Properties
- Press
the RIGHT mouse button while the mouse cursor is on top
of the CocoNet icon and choose Properties...
You should get a dialog box named whatever name you gave
your icon, which looks something like this.
Press the Server
Type... button. You'll get the Server Types
dialog box. It should look like this.
In the Type
of Dial-Up Server section, press the down arrow to
drop down the list box. The list box options look like
this. Since you're planning to use PPP,
choose that server type in the list box.
Make sure that
Log on to network and Require encrypted
password in the Advanced options: section
is not checked Also, make sure that
only TCP/IP in the Allowed network protocols:
section is checked. Make sure that NetBEUI
and IPX/SPX Compatible are unchecked here.
They are not needed for CocoNet and can lengthen the time
it takes to connect to CocoNet each time you dial the
service. Do not change any other settings in the
Server Types area. CocoNet automatically
configures your DNS servers and IP address every time
you dial in. These number are not needed here.
Then press the OK button.
Hit the OK
button in the remaining dialog box, and you're almost
ready to dial!

Copyright © 1994-2006 CocoNet Corporation, All Rights Reserved.